The Democratic candidates had yet another debate last night, in the wake of the Iowa caucuses and on the eve of the New Hampshire primary, and it appears Hillary got into a snit over something John Edwards said regarding the "agents of change" vs. the "forces of the status quo".
The first video sets up some of the context:
There seems to be one thing liberals agree should not change, and that's the climate. Tom speculates that when Global Warming is finally discounted as a great hoax, there will be too much momentum, money and emotion tied up in doing something that they won't be able to just stand by and do nothing. Global Warming or Global Cooling doesn't really matter. Any climate change is bad and must be addressed immediately with huge programs, sacrifices and expenditures of your tax dollars. Perhaps liberals need to contemplate this bit of wisdom...
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Liberals also seem to agree that Roe v Wade is something that should not be changed. We have a living Constitution, but this Supreme Court decision is unchangeable.
Good points, Glen. I think the unifying thread is each decision aggrandizes liberal power -- the unacknowledged single standard behind the apparent double standard.
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